lørdag den 27. oktober 2012

New project! Maze game and IT grades

The heart maze for Love

Hello people of the internet!


New week equals to a new project! Our project for this week

and next week is to make a game or animation.

I choose to focus on graphic design, which is why I made

a maze instead of an action type game.

My game is about these characters called “The feelings”.

They all have to complete once level each to find each other.

1 maze equals to 1 level.

Love which is one of the characters has a heart maze,

When she completes her maze she will find Angry who

has to complete his maze.


I have only made one maze so far, since it takes a lot

of time to make one.


We also have to make a trailer for our game, in FLASH.

I really like Flash, even though it’s such a hard program.

Good thing I have lots of practice on making short movies at



We also got our IT grades, I got a 7, which equals to a B in

America. I guess that’s a good grade, but I really hoped for

an A+.


Next week I am going to focus on making my trailer, and

if I have extra time I will be making the mazes for the other

Feelings too.


Happy early Halloween!



torsdag den 18. oktober 2012

Almost Halloween!

Hello people of the internet

So it is almost Halloween!

I am so excited, because I just love it when it is Halloween time.
There is so many activities like pumpkin carving, trick or treating and
watching creepy movies!
My favorite Halloween movie is definetly Hocus Pocus.
That movie is so adorable and funny.
I remember watching that film back in 4th grade in school, memories....
Sadly Denmark does not celebrate Halloween like America. In USA Halloween

seems like so much fun. There is Halloween parties, and old and young go Trick or treating. Here in Denmark, for the most part the younger kids are the only ones who go trick or treating.
I like to celebrate Halloween by watching Hocus Pocuslike I do every year,

carve pumpkins and cook yummy food.

 Happy early Halloween everyone!

 Until next timeHave fun!

 // Maria

 p.s. I edited the picture of my carved pumpkin called Jack on www.Befunky.com

lørdag den 13. oktober 2012

Logo design & Autumn break

Hello people of the internet!

Yay! It’s autumn break!

I am so excited to just relax at home.


I finished making my website about Xtreme Bodies and

the logo for the site (which you can see above)

i used the colors pink and blue, because I wanted

it to be a logo both female and male can relate to.

Plus blue and pink are my favorite colors in the

whole wide world.


What I love about studying in a media production school

is that almost everything we do is related to either

web sites, designing or film.

We also watch films a lot, usually cartoons. So far

we have watch “The Lorax” and “Madagascar 3”.


“The Lorax” is such an adorable movie and also very

funny. I loved the quote in the end too.

“ Unless someone like you

Cares awful a lot,

Nothing is going to get better.

It’s Not. – Dr. Suess”


The quote is so true too.

While watching the film I was thinking about how

some people just throw trash on the streets instead

of just dumping it in the trash can. I don’t

get how people can care so little about our planet.

We live on it, so we should take care of it…



Anyways school is still awesome! (never thought

I would ever say that in my life)



Until next time… have fun!


// Maria

torsdag den 4. oktober 2012

New project!

Photo by: Me ( Botanical garden in Copenhagen,Denmark)

Hello people of the internet!


School has been/is extremely hectic, which is why

i haven’t been blogging. ( Sorry!)



Our new project is about “The Body”.
And the 1st thing that popped into my head was "The body shop",hehe..
We have to make a website based on the title "The body".
I have chosen to make a site about Extreme bodies ( or as i
called it Xtreme bodies!).
My design and logo is done, but there is still tons of work left.
Next week i will start coding after my teachers approve
my designs...Ohh. god..
Coding is so not me. It's super hard for me since it's a lot about
numbers and weird names like "Div", float left and stuff... =/
But i will do my best!! =)
We learned about making contracts and how to use Exel...It's
a bit hard for me. I like designing things more than writing.
All in all this week has been stressful but also very fun!
Hope everyone is doing fine!
Until next time...Have fun!
// Maria
Picture info:
I went to the botanical garden last weekend and took tons
of photos. There are so many plants there, they even sell
Stevia plants!!OMG.
I recomend everyone to visit. It's super fun!